Memorie Serie A - anno 2018
- D. Mauro, C. Biagioni, M. Pasero, F. Zaccarini – Crystal-chemistry of sulfates from Apuan Alps (Tuscany, Italy). II. Crystal structure and hydrogen bonding system of römerite, Fe2+Fe3+2(SO4)4(H2O)14.
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- E.J. Anthony – Sand and gravel supply from rivers to coasts: A review from a Mediterranean perspective
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- L. Jaselli, A. Collareta – Redescription and first illustration of the holotype of Astropecten montalionis (Meneghini, 1852) [Paxillosida: Astropectinidae].
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- F. Rapetti – L’alluvione di Livorno del 10 settembre 2017 (Toscana, Italia).
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- D. Bertoni, M. Mencaroni – Four different coastal settings within the Northern Tuscany littoral cell: how did we get here?
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- D. Pieruccioni, S. Vezzoni, M. Petrelli - A petrographic and U-Pb geochronological approach to the reconstruction of the pre-Alpine history of Alpi Apuane (Tuscany).
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- A. Gatti, P. Marianelli, D. Andronico, A. Sbrana – The December 2015 paroxysms at Mt. Etna: insights from mineral chemistry and glasses.
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- P. R. Federici, S. Merlino, R. Grifoni – In memoria di Aldo Giacomo Segre (1918-2018).
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- Processi Verbali.
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