Memorie Serie B
Atti della Società Toscana di Scienze Naturali, Memorie, Serie B (ISSN 0365-7450) is an open-access, single-blind peer-reviewed journal issued annually. The journal publishes original papers, short communications, news and book reviews on Biological Sciences. The printed Journal is sent to the "Società Toscana di Scienze Naturali" members and deposited in selected libraries. All content of the printed version (original papers, short communications, news and book reviews) is freely available online in accordance with the Open Access. All published materials are released under a Creative Commons 4.0: CC-BY license. They can be shared and adapted provided appropriate credit is given for any purpose, even commercially. For all published articles, the authors transfer copyright and publishing rights to the Journal. The languages of the journal are English and Italian. The Atti della società Toscana di Scienze Naturali. Memorie. Serie B are indexed in Scopus.
Editor: Prof. Gianni Bedini (Università di Pisa)
Editorial Board:
A. Aguilella (Valencia, Spain), N.E. Baldaccini (Pisa, Italy), B. Foggi (Firenze, Italy), E. Palagi (Pisa, Italy), G. Paradis (Ajaccio, France), L. Peruzzi (Pisa, Italy), M. Zuffi (Pisa, Italy).
Instructions for authors
Manuscript preparation
The journal publishes only original papers written in Italian or English; manuscripts must not be submitted to other journals. The manuscript must include, in the following order: name of author(s), title, abstract and keywords in English and in Italian, and text. Addresses, corresponding author, and references to research projects or institutions must be placed in footnotes. Optional “Acknowledgments” to persons or institutions and a compulsory “Conflict of interest statement” must precede bibliographic references. These, listed in alphabetical order by authors, must refer only to works mentioned in the text, according to the following examples:
… according to Johnson (1994), or: … several authors (Johnson, 1994; Kushnir et al., 1977; Täckholm & Drar, 1973)…; … Phylum Phoronida (Sarà, 1991)…
The corresponding items in bibliographic references must be:
Johnson M.A.T., 1994. Cytology of three new geophytes from Turkey. Kew Bulletin 49 (3): 491-498.
Kushnir U., Galil J., Fedman M., 1977. Contribution to... Sect. Heliocharmos Bak. Israel Journal of Botany 26: 63-82.
Sarà M., 1991. Phoronida. In: AA.VV., Zoologia. Trattato Italiano 2: 835- 838. Ed. Grasso, Bologna.
Täckholm V., Drar M., 1973. Flora of Egypt. Ed. II, 637. Beirut.
Journal names must be reported in extenso.
Figures (maximum size 17 x 22 cm) must be sent in TIFF format and at an adequate resolution for printing. Please name each file with a progressive number, like “Fig01.tif”, and provide a clear, concise caption in a separate document. As figure size might be reduced by the publisher, measurement units must be inserted inside figures with a size bar. Figures will be printed in black and white, unless otherwise specified by authors, and displayed in full colours in the online version. Please ensure that colour figures are easy to read also in black and white and that their caption is congruent both for black-and-white and colour versions.
Tables (maximum size 17x22 cm) must be sent in DOC or equivalent format. Please name each file with a progressive number, like “Tab01.doc” and provide a clear, concise caption on top of the table. A table has usually three horizontal lines, two surrounding the caption and one after the last line. Vertical lines should be avoided.
Checklist for submission
Have you prepared all the following items, in order:
- Author list and footnotes with addresses and corresponding author’s contact details
- Reference to research projects or institutions in footnotes (optional)
- Title, both in Italian and English
- Abstract (in Inglese)
- Keywords (in Inglese)
- Riassunto (in Italian)
- Parole chiave (in Italian)
- Article body (either in English or Italian)
- Acknowledgements to persons or institutions (optional)
- Conflict of interest statement
- References (see above section for format)
- Supplementary materials (optional)
Manuscript submission
The manuscript and any associated files (figures, tables, and captions) must be sent to the Editor’s email address (gianni.bedini@unipi.it), either as separate files or a single compressed file. Please include a cover letter explaining why your work is suitable for this journal and why it will be of interest to the journal's readers..
The journal Editor has a preliminary say on whether to admit or reject the submission, based on the article’s adherence to the journal’s scientific aims. Preliminarily accepted papers undergo the peer-review process.
Peer-review Process
The editor will invite at least two experts in the field to a single-blind peer-review of the manuscript.
The outcome of the peer-reviewed process is binding. Should the reviewers’ opinions be incompatible, the editor may decide whether to seek a third review or to reach a decision directly.
Upon receiving reviewer reports, the Editor decides whether to pursue publication of the manuscript further (either requesting the author revise and resubmit their manuscript, accepting, or rejecting it). The decision letter sent to the author will be accompanied by the expert reviewers’ reports within 12 weeks from the submission date.
The judgment of the reviewers is anonymous and unappealable. Articles cannot, for any reason, be submitted by third parties, but must be sent to the editorial office by the Corresponding Author. Each author, when submitting a contribution, agrees not to submit it to other journals before knowing the outcome of the review process. The rule also applies to articles not submitted to a double-blind peer-reviewed section (e.g. obituaries, news and book reviews, whose acceptance or rejection is decided solely by the editorial board).
The editor may request contributions from reputable experts regarding a specific topic: such contributions are called "invited articles," and this eventuality will be clearly intelligible at the time of publication.
Obvious typos as such and minor nonconformities to editorial standards will be corrected by the editorial staff.
Articles that do not comply with the citation system and bibliographic notes will be rejected.
Conditions and costs
This journal does not charge Article Submission Charges (ASCs). Article Processing Charge (APC) is not applied for papers up to 12 pages long with figures in black and white: a charge of 18 euros for each page from the thirteenth will be required. All colour pages are subject to mandatory page charge (300 euros for every four pages) which may be combined to APC. There is no length limit for Supplementary materials, available in the online version only, the cost of which is 6.00 euros per page. Upon acceptance for publication, authors will receive one proof of print. Offprints may be ordered at prices quoted by the publisher in a form accompanying the return of proofs.
This is an open-access journal, released under a Creative Commons 4.0: CC-BY license, which means that all content is freely available without charge or delay to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. There is no embargo period to access the content (original papers, short communications, news and book reviews), which is downloadable from the day of publication. The full text of all content is available for free and open access without delay.