Diventa socio /Membership
To support the activities of the STSN it is possible to become a member.
Any person interested in its objectives can be become a Society ordinary member. Members are divided into ordinary, collective and honorary. The number of members is unlimited. Scientific and cultural institutions, industrial and commercial companies can be associated as collective members. Honorary members are appointed by the assembly on the proposal of at least five members or the Board of Directors.
The application for membership must be presented to the President in writing and countersigned by three members. Registration is subject to the approval of the majority of members present at the meeting at which the application is presented and to the payment of membership fees, as established by the regulations. Each ordinary member undertakes to be part of the Society for a period of at least three years. The member who has been in arrears for two years will be declared forfeited by the Board of Directors.
The member who intends to resign from the Society must submit a regular letter of resignation to the President by the month of December; termination as a member begins on January 1st of the following year.
The ordinary annual fee amounts to 35 euros for ordinary members and 40 euros for collective members (institutions, bodies...).
The membership fee can be paid directly to the Treasurer or by bank transfer to a bank account, IBAN IT17A0835813701000000778872, by the month of April of each year.
The member who is up to date with the membership fees has the right to receive annually a copy of the volume of the Acts (series A or series B of his choice).